Monday, August 20, 2007

The Real Motives Behind Illegal Immigration

Some on the right and most on the left are opposed to reasonable reforms to curtail illegal immigration. They will site reasons such as: there is no one else to do the jobs they perform, we shouldn't break up families just because they violated our laws and, we are a nation of immigrants. They try to deter us by saying all possible ways of preventing illegals from getting in are doomed to failure, and they try to make it as easy as possible for illegals to get by in America.

The reasons they give have a shade of truth as they see it, but, there are other reasons they won't bring up because it would hurt their cause. For conservatives who support illegal immigration their main motivation is money, they want cheap labor and lots of it with little or no benefits attached. The motivation of liberals is power, they want more voters and ones that will vote for them no matter how far left they take this country. This has already shown some successes, once republican strongholds in California are now reliably democratic.

What the pro-illegal conservatives aren't taking into account is that once the left has their way their bottom-line is going to take a serious hit. The left wants much higher taxes, more regulation and a government takeover of large parts of the economy, this is very bad for capitalism; but, at the moment the pro-illegal right are only thinking of this years profits, they are ignoring the long range prospects for a country overrun by illegals most of which will vote democrat when given amnesty, and their children will whether or not their parents are given amnesty.

There are very good reasons for wanting to stop illegal immigration now. The most important being national security, if we don't control our boarders we will be vulnerable to terrorists crossing our boarders. Also, allowing millions of poor uneducated people who don't speak our language to break the law and plant themselves in our country is not conducive to a good society. Illegal immigration is against the law, and allowing some criminal act to slide is corrosive to a law abiding society. This does not even take into account the fact that whole gangs are being imported from Mexico, nearly all illegal aliens committing crimes from theft, to murder.

Stopping illegal immigration is far from impossible, but, it does require a serious and sustained effort and new tactics, for one we need to build the fence, we also need to massively increase the boarder patrol, and put the illegals we catch in jail for 6 months, followed by instant deportation. There is nothing wrong with controlling our boarders and we should not apologize for it.