Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Liberal Taking Point: We Need Public Competition

A new talking point the left is using for things like health insurance and the like is, what's the problems with a little public competition. This is an attempt to annex conservative arguments about competition and free-enterprise.

What they purposely avoid telling you is that when the private sector has the government as competition it is never a fair fight. The government has a bottomless pit of money that they can use to drive competition out of the market. All they have to do is lower their prices to a point where competitors can't maintain a profit if they match their prices and services. These lower prices would be explained as making their service affordable to lower income Americans, and while it would help the poor afford the service, it would also kill free enterprise by giving an unfair advantage to the so-called public competition.

Once the competition has been effectively eliminated, like in the private sector, either prices would go up and/or services would be cut. This is why the government needs to stay out of the private sector.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Protests in Iran Not Going Away.

Despite the Iranian Supreme Leader's demand for an end to protests, they continue. No one knows how far these protests will go. Will they bring the regime down? Probably not, but never say never. Whether it happens in a month or in 20 years theocracy's days are numbered.
If anything these demonstrations prove something many have known all along: the Iranian people want democracy. They value the right to determine who leads them just like we do. Iranian youth especially are much more modern than the those who run their country. Their values, while not exactly like ours, are modern.
Afghanistan is free and Iraq is free, I hope Iran is soon to follow.