Friday, August 15, 2008

The California SC was wrong, but still...

The California Supreme Court ruled on May 15 of this year that same sex couples could not be barred from marriage, this has provoked evangelical groups to put a ballot proposition for a state constitutional ban on same sex marriage up for a vote in the November election.

I fundamentally disagree with the supreme court's decision, yet I also support same sex marriage, on top of that, the arrogant and insulting attitude among some of those who support the supreme court decision and oppose the ballot proposition almost makes me want to vote for it out of spite.

Almost is the key word here, as much as I deplore the SC decision, I can't in good conscience vote for any amendment that will once again ban same sex marriage, let this be the election I felt this issue needed. I will vote no and for gay marriage. If the amendment passes I hope the proponents of same sex marriage will in a few years time try to do this the democratic way and put their own ballot proposition up for vote. Once the people votes for same sex marriage it will be much harder to stop than is would if the courts step in and override the public will.

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