Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Vision of the Left

The left have a vision to reshape America in their image. What would this new America look like? Let's just look at some of their positions and we'll have a better picture.

Most on the left want Card Check which will rob workers of the secret ballot, and will unleash union organizers across the country to harass workers until they agree to sign a card signaling their support to form a union. This has already been tried in Indiana with terrible results. Workers were harassed at work and even at home until the necessary signatures were collected to form a union. Fortunately the workers appealed and were able to force a secret ballot; the union was stopped, but there is still bad blood among the workers. The lefts wants this nationwide: thousands of union organizers across the nation harassing workers and intimidating them until they are worn down and agree to sign a card signaling their support to form a union. Unions overwhelmingly support Democrats so this would boost their political power and resources enormously.

The left also supports the so called 'Fairness Doctrine' which will allow the government to regulate political speech on the only media form the left doesn't have a stranglehold on: talk radio. The supporters of the Fairness Doctrine try as much as possible to make it sound innocuous and benign, but it is a blatant effort to force talk radio to give the left more of a voice, or at least get the conservative voices criticizing them off the air and replaced by non controversial shows that won't criticize them.

In addition, they want to nationalize large parts of the private sector, erode the 2nd Amendment, and take even more from the productive sector part of the populace and use that money to fund further expansions of an already way too big government. This isn't some paranoid conspiracy theory, all you have to do is listen to what the left has to say. It won't happen overnight (although it has been happening damn fast of late), and it won't happen all at once. The left likes to get their agenda passed one piece at a time to get the public used to something before the next piece is pushed though. As Norman Thomas the Socialist Presidential candidate once said, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened."

Is this what you want for America? The American people need to know what the consequences of the liberal agenda are and how it will affect their lives. They need to know that their freedoms are threatened by the far-left which has hijacked the Democratic Party and is using it to reshape America into something else, something that most Americans don't want.

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