Monday, May 4, 2009

Specter Did Republicans A Favor

While there is no doubt his move to the Democratic party was purely self
serving, he even admitted it himself, he may have inadvertently done Republicans
a favor. Once the Minnesota race is resolved, sadly it is almost certain to go to
supposed comedian Al Franken, the Democrats will have 60 seats and no excuses in

It also rids the Republicans of a bloody primary battle that would have been needed to oust Specter in the 2010 Pennsylvania primary. Republicans can now nominate a real Republican, either Pat Toomey or former governor Tom Ridge.

I have literally no harsh feelings that Specter switched parties because he wasn't much of a Republican in the first place, his voting record is left of center and when he was needed to stop the stimulus he actually supported it. He even voted against the Iraq war, which shows that isn't even there on terror issues. Although he isn't far left, his voting record is less than 45% conservative according to the American Conservative Union.

Anyone who has read my blog knows I am not a rigid ideologue. I don't agree with Republicans on everything, and am willing to say so when I think they are wrong, but the party has not drifted too far to the right, especially on economic issues where Republicans have betrayed their base time and again. Republicans have not been conservative enough. If Republicans want a chance at governing again they will need to have a bold conservative vision of less government and more freedom. And let's face it Arlen Specter would never support such a vision.


winewife said...

"Republicans have not been conservative enough". Just stumbled onto your site but that line alone will keep me coming back to check out your posts. Not to mention the whole atheist/conservative thing...there aren't many of us, we need to stick together!

Dancing Dingo said...

Thanks for reading my blog.
I think the only way Republicans have a chance of winning again is if they embrace the conservative principles of smaller government and more freedom again. They haven't since they won congress back in the 90s, they let Washington change them into pale imitations of the Democrats and it cost them dearly in the long run.
You'd be surprised how many conservative atheists there are out there. You wouldn't know it from many atheist sites that are overwhelmingly dominated by not just liberals but the far-left, but we're out there.