Thursday, June 28, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder Held in Contempt of Congress with Bipartisan Vote

In a bipartisan vote Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress by a vote of 255-67. Over 100 Democrats decided not to vote at all and simply walked out of the House in protest, but 17 Democrats voted with Republicans to hold Holder in contempt.

This whole situation is regrettable. It is never a good day when a member of the President's cabinet is held in contempt of congress, but there was little choice. Despite Democrats' insistence that thousands of documents have been turned over, many more are being withheld, and these documents need to be turned over to shed light on Fast and Furious, which has led to the death of Boarder Patrol Agent Brian Terry. This is serious business and not to be politicized.

No one should cheer the contempt vote, just accept that it had to happen and could have been avoided altogether if the Attorney General complied with requests of congress.

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