Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fiscal Cliff Thoughts

With the fiscal cliff approaching and no sign of a deal it is time for Republicans to come up with a new strategy. They want to bring in new revenue by getting rid of deductions, but leaving rates the same, and cut spending. Obama wants to bring in new revenue by raising rates to the pre-Bush Tax Cut levels, plus add a lot more revenue, which would mean either higher rates than the pre-Bush Tax Cut levels, removing some deductions, or both. But instead of cutting spending Obama wants to raise spending with a new stimulus, even though previous ones failed to generate growth to the economy. Not only if the President willing to meet the Republicans half-way, he is giving them less than nothing. But with the media openly shilling for the Democrats and Republicans in disarray public opinion is on the Democrats' side, it doesn't help that the public does not know how unwilling to compromise the President is.
So, it is time for a new strategy.
In fairness, Obama won the election, albeit narrowly, so Republicans should give up the tax cuts. Let the rates for the top 2% expire and come up with a couple deductions that would only affect top income earners and get rid of them. Announce it in the press and make sure the message gets out. If conservative complain tell them "We don't like it but compromise has to start somewhere," and add, "If more of you had come out and voted we wouldn't be in this situation."
I don't like letting the tax cuts expire, I think we need further tax cuts, but elections have consequences.
However, Republicans did hold the House by more than a slim margin. So after Republicans give in on taxes, tell the President it is time to cut spending. Ask the President for his proposal for spending cuts and make it know immediate cuts are required, because we all know from experience the promise of future cuts will not be honored.
I know we can't balance the budget in one year, but more than token cuts will have to be part of the deal. Hundreds of billions of cuts must be made in the first year. The President won the election but he did not win the House so he will have to give in some as well.
Republicans must make it known they are willing to compromise, and further, make it known to the voters that as of yet, President Obama isn't.
And if they want to get their tax cuts back, they will have to win an election.

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