Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conservative Atheist Positions part 2

6. Church and State: This is really several issues and I almost always stand on the side of keeping them separate.
A. Creationism is religion masquerading as science and should not be taught in school, in fact we should show students all the twisted irrationalities and deceptions of creationism and ID so they know it's nonsense.
B. The pledge of allegiance as currently written is downright theocratic in telling people that this is "one nation under god", it is an insult to the millions of patriotic Americans like myself who do not believe in a god but love this country dearly.
C. I also oppose school prayer as an official part of the day, schools are for learning not religion. If some students decide to pray at lunch that's their business.
D. If you want to know my position on the ten commandments being in public places all you have to do is read the first commandment " I am the lord thy god, thou shalt have no other gods before me". If that isn't a blatant attempt at religious intrusion I don't know what is.
E. About the only issues where I think the church-state separation crowd goes to far are ones like baning Christmas trees in public places or changing the holiday's name to "winter holiday", I am not offended in the least by the word Christmas or even being told "Merry Christmas". Pettiness like this diverts us from the important issues.

7. Energy: We need serious investment into research of alternative energy sources. We should make this a modern day Manhattan project. We should also raise fuel efficiency standards reasonably every several years for Cars, Trucks and even planes. Having said that we still need fossil fuels for the foreseeable future, so we must drill in ANWR and off the coasts in an environmentally responsible way to reduce dependence on foreign oil.

8. Environment: We need to protect our environment and our natural resources from irreparable harm. There are several very important issues that must be addressed like over fishing, species extinction and possibly global warming. But the far left has hijacked the environmental movement for their own agenda, anti-capitalism. All you have to do is listen to them it's nearly always anti-corporate rants and anti-capitalist diatribes. We need to take back the environmental movement from these extremists for the good of our planet.

9. Fairness Doctrine: The left can't stand that conservatives dominate talk radio so they want to get around the first amendment to shut them up. The solution to this is to oppose the so called fairness doctrine in privately owned media, but to demand it in publicly owned media like NPR and PBS which the left controls using your tax dollars.

10. Flag Burning Amendment: Burning the American flag to protest our country's policies is Un-American. The flag is a symbol of what America stands for not our current foreign or domestic policy which changes all the time. However, burning the flag is a form of expression of the feelings of what the protester thinks of America and that must be protected. They can burn the flag but they have no right to prevent my freedom to say they are Anti-American scum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on every point in this post except one partial point - global warming is a scam. Looking at it longer term, we only just came off the "little ice age" a couple hundred years ago, so of course the climate is warming all by itself. Anyone who denies this is the real climate change denier. There's plenty of info about this, so I won't quote it at length. I understand the concern, if it were real, but I really don't believe that it's real. Just more socialism disguised as environmentalism.