Friday, July 13, 2007

Conservative Atheist Positions part 4

16. Intervention: We can't get involved in every problem around the world but we should not ignore mass murder and genocide. This is where the UN should help, but they are too busy lining their pockets. The situation is out of control in Darfur and the UN isn't doing anything helpful, something has to be done. We should also provide in non-military assistance to some democracy movements in oppressive countries like Iran.

17. Judicial Activism: Judges should follow the constitution not their own whims. If you don't like a law then ask your lawmakers to change it, and if they won't do it then vote them out of office.

18. Immigration: Immigration enriches our country but illegal immigration is harming us. We have a minimum of 12 million illegal aliens here and more coming every day. We have to secure the boarder now, whatever the cost and reduce the number of incoming legal immigrants for about 10 years. We also need a more balanced immigration policy, most immigrants coming here are from Latin America and this will change our culture in ways we still don't know. The left likes the current immigration trend because it grows their voter base. They will not want to change it but we need to change things so that we bring in more high skilled people, and make the cultural origins of incoming immigrants look more like America. We shouldn't stop immigration from non western cultures because that would be bigoted, but neither should we change the face of our country to satisfy the wants of power hungry liberals.

19. Iraq: I supported the coalition led by the United States going in to Iraq, removing Saddam and establishing democracy but the sad fact is President Bush has badly mismanaged the war. He either ignored recommendations from the pentagon saying we would need at least 300,000 troops, or his advisers did not give him this information. America is in a precarious position, if we leave right now Iran will be unimpeded in trying to gain control of the country and terrorists will use it as a staging ground. If we stay without a massive increase in troops we will continue to lose soldiers at the current rate and further strain an army already stretched too thin. We need to help the Iraqis secure democracy but more troops and new tactics are badly needed, as well as getting the Iraqi government to settle points of contention between factions like oil revenues.

20. Prostitution: This is an issue best left to the states. Having said that I support it in principle, states that legalize it should regulate it to ensure that those who engage in it are free of sexually transmitted diseases. Regular testing would be a must which would mean they would probably have to apply for a license. I don't think this is an important enough issue for the federal government to get involved so states should be free to ban it or legalize it.

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