Friday, July 13, 2007

Conservative Atheist Positions part 5

21. Reparations: No way. Those originally owned as slaves are dead and those are the only people who would deserve reparations.

22. Retain the Death Penalty: Yes. But only for murder and treason, and the burden of proof must be above that of simple conviction. If there is any doubt we should err on the side of life. We also need more layers of review before an execution should take place, and the Death Penalty should never be used on the mentally ill or those who committed the crime before the age of 18.

23. Right to Die: This encompasses two issues, the right of a person who can't survive off life support to be taken off life support and die, and euthanasia.
a. Someone who put into legal writing that they wish to die should be able to. It should be their decision alone unless they were mentally incompetent when they filed the papers.
b. I also support euthanasia but think this is an issue that states, not the federal government or judges should decide. Safeguards must be put into place to make sure the person choosing to die is mentally competent and is doing it of his own free will. Other than those considerations I have no problem with Euthanasia.

24. Tax Cuts: The lower the better. I oppose the flat tax because I think the rich should pay more, but they should also pay as little as possible and never under any circumstances (except emergencies like a world war) should someone ever have to pay half their money to the government. A good top rate to aim for would be 25%, but that's probably hoping for too much.

25. Terrorism: We must fight terrorism as a war not a law enforcement problem and we must fight it to win. Islamic Terrorism is the greatest threat to freedom and western civilization in the world right now and we must treat it as such.

26. War on Drugs: Yes. Drugs like crack and meth should be illegal, and we should do everything we can to keep them off the street. I also think some of the newer more potent strains of marijuana should be prohibited because some of them have possible links to mental illness. I am not opposed to legalizing the safer strains of marijuana but it is a decision best left to the states.

27. Wartime Liberty: Our basic freedoms must be maintained in wartime. Freedom of speech should never be restrained and elections should never be delayed under any circumstances. But we must do everything possible to keep America's citizens safe, I fully support the Patriot Act and Terrorist surveillance. These are tools needed to fight terrorism which we badly need, but we must be cautious not to go too far and lose the precious freedoms we are fighting to protect.


Anonymous said...

let's not forget "the ability to say 'he' and mean both he and she." if that offends you, then you're just looking for a fight. The english language doesn't have a 'neutered' pronoun to describe human beings, deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another one, Immigration:

people may immigrate to the united states as they wish, provided that they get the proper paperwork, and pay the proper taxes, following all related laws, and learn to speak the language of the land. If you want to speak spanish, french, Bantu, or Klingon at home, that's up to you, but if an officer of the law stops you and asks 'license and registration' on the free way, you had better damned well be able to understand him.

Anonymous said...

Small problem on your tax cut thoughts - define "rich", as in the rich should pay more. I agree in principle, even Warren Buffet does, but the current liberal definition of anyone who makes over $250K is a crock.

Dancing Dingo said...

On Anonymous' tax cut post, I don't think the rich should pay more than they are paying now, I think they should pay more than the lower and middle classes. I think everyone, including the rich is paying too much in taxes.

Unknown said...

Disagree on taxes. I oppose progressive taxation, and believe everyone should pay the same percentage. That's fair to everyone regardless of the amount of income. With our current spendings, conversion to a fair tax would be impossible. Cut spendings, reduce taxes. That's pretty straightforward.

Dancing Dingo said...

Thanks for your comment.
Although I do think that higher income Americans should pay more than lower income Americans, I think both are paying too much in taxes right now.
So I agree with you we need to cut spending and taxes, I just feel a flat tax would be too much of a burden on lower income Americans.